
Brown Bag Discussion

If you are interested to be one of our speakers, we invite you to fill up an application form. You may access the form through this link

As part of AFSHu's advocacy to support research and scholarship, we are also launching PROJECT BROWN BAG. A brown bag session typically gathers individuals to bring and eat their lunches together while listening to a speaker, who facilitates knowledge transfer and skill development.

In AFSHu parlance, PROJECT BROWN BAG caters to any Filipino bachelors, masters, or doctoral students, who would like to present their research article - already published in a peer-reviewed academic journal - through a webinar format.

Project Brown Bag Discussion was spearheaded by the AFSHu 2023 – 2024.

School Year

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Brown Bag

2024 Brown Bag Discussions

Explore the previous Brown Bag Discussion

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